Two key questions to corral a leader like Mr. Biscay and discover publicly a fraudulent company.
Many people do not have the courage to ask the questions that will haunt your head when attending a presentation of the investment group g ltda. In large part, this lack of value is due to the feeling that they sense will enter the atmosphere of optimism that he has created between its participants. That feeling is the negativity from people who idolize the optimism as the main architect of financial success.
large extent, optimism is the major source of motivation to get anything in this life but in the world of accounts or multilevel involvement, optimism is synonymous with ignorance. Being optimistic is not negative questions, but what are questions negative?. Negative questions are those that threaten to close a sale.
Many people deal with dozens of questions they dare not do to not feel out of place in a presentation. Striking a balance between the social logic of questions and consistency of them, it is vital to start getting an answer to help us identify a possible scam.
Many entrepreneurs are venturing to ask questions not relevant to fuel their fighting spirit but in reality is not what we should look at this class of people called directors. Not enough to have lots of information and indiscriminately throwing questions to which very few multilevel leaders could respond without being specialized in all subjects. Ask questions logical, humble and socially acceptable is what will the ropes to a speaker if it is unable to answer.
Our goal is to determine if endangered our time and money before making the wrong decision to join a MLM or accounts in participation. Two basic questions to which any human being could respond would be: Does
- guarantee the product or business opportunity?
- How can this great product or this fantastic opportunity to not have any warranty?
The secret is to get any thing more quickly and easily. These two questions will be well assimilated by the rest of those attending the presentation and will never be rejected. No matter how much training college of the questioner, nor care about the experience gained over the years, as no matter the skills to persuade and to change the opinion to anyone. None of that matters if a supporter of the group g does not understand the questions and identify with the negativity of the run and judged.
These first two questions will go smoothly. The subsequent questions, the speakers will cause the same effect of a fly tried to get in one eye. The important thing is not the effect caused in the speakers but the attendees caused EFET. If the speaker's response is far too much of a 'yes' or 'of course', you will face a scam and the seller will try a thousand ways to dodge your question if there is a resounding 'yes' for an answer.
Having a warranty on the products or the business opportunity, not just a question of law or business ethics. Having a warranty increase sales by 700% and, interestingly, only 1 in 3 unhappy customers use their warranty. This means that if there are 1000 customers and 100 business customers are not happy with the product or opportunity, only 33 requested the refund.
Having a warranty increase sales of a company and is a key objective for the marketing plan from a reputable company and solvent. It is a practice so used to any potential customer expects to see in any company and, failing that, the surprise of warranty do you give up your purchase. Why would a company as the group g should be any different?
not have a guarantee can mean two things:
- That the percentage of returns is so high that profitability is zero and the company bankrupt. This would be due to bad quality across the enterprise in general and executive awareness of the poor quality of the products or services. Means that it would not be possible to offer a guarantee they would lose too much money.
- That the owners are knowledgeable about the number of returns they would get and still choose to continue the project without a guarantee. This is the most common reason that many companies exploit the group g to achieve rapid revenue without the disappointment of cutting their distributors commissions, caused by returns.
Companies that do not meet security policies are doomed to failure and is verging on illegality unquestionable. As an illustration of the importance of security, a known leader and founder of several multilevel companies, never offered any guarantee to all customers and distributors who passed through all its businesses. The result has surprised us greatly. Not only do these companies have failed but have also ceased to exist in less than two years, disappearing altogether.
Every human being needs to feel protected and supported. Any entrepreneur looking for a way to hit with your investments and need to rely on the fate of their money will also be well protected. This is achieved with a good product backed with a good warranty. How
The longer the warranty, better and more profitable for a good company. The less time the warranty lasts, the greater the doubt and lack of trust of potential customers, and the lower the lifetime of that company.
I hope that this first analysis of the impending investment scam ltda group g helps them to clarify doubts of the inevitable, I am a victim of these scammers ignarancia, for believing in its consortium, their projects and the easy money and I hope you not fall into the same.
Perhaps this wrong on my analysis and investment group meets g for the good of all, God bless and enlighten us "The Lord is my worship, my road to success and my salvation "
orders society Superfinanciera Network Investment Group in immediate suspension of the activity of raising public funds massive
Bogotá, September 30, (the FM) The Financial Supervisory Authority through Resolution Number. 1550 September 29, 2008, adopted the following precautionary measures for Network Investment Group Company Ltd (now Grupo G Inversiones Ltda), whose primary residence is the city of Bogotá.
FIRST: FINAL immediate suspension and the mass uptake activity regular subscription monies through contracts and Joint Venture Participation Account.
TWO: THE RETURN of all monies received from the public by way of the execution of such contracts.
THIRD: ABSTAIN immediately to sign new contracts or anything else that involves the collection of public monies by identical instruments, similar or substitute for legal transactions were analyzed, or use any other mechanism that has the purpose or effect the exercise mentioned irregular financial activity, whether carried out on behalf of itself or through another person, especially through its subsidiary, NET WORK COMPANY INTERNATIONAL LTD.
See the links below Resolution 1550 of September 29, 2008 and Press Release related to immediate and permanent suspension of collection activity and usual massive public funds, ordered to the Network Group Investment Company Ltd. (now Grupo G Inversiones Ltda)
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