The Protector My friend Sara has great nephews. One of them, occasionally drop gems like this, "Auntie" because you have your boyfriend?, Why do you want to take this? Asks, "because to take care of you." SOS
a child of seven years thinks that someone, a good man, has to care for a woman of 38 years! at that time was a television ad that is no, no, repeat no ; woman (or man) know ...
David gandy
"Look, there it is, so I do not know if he spends the day swimming ......!!!!!"
a men's fashion
H & M has filled its windows pure white, fully Ibizan this morning rummaging through the store, I have clear that there are shops to look to find , H & M is one of them, do not stop white shirts and all liked me, luckily for me my pocket all were great, and I say lucky because my closet cowboy and white shirts are going to fall over at any moment. For men alike, pure white, and what better way to announce our Andrés Velencoso
the rest of the collection lines, charts and lots of blue
ZARA; no longer distinguish who imitates who, if we to them or vice versa:
WHITE , the more youthful:
( right pants are in honor of my friend Asc, loves men with colorful pants ...)
MANGO , urban:
hope that all / os you may have someone who you care (not really be a boyfriend or girlfriend) and that this child when he grows up to be a little less Cave but equally handsome, so if ehhh, the blame for everything is Hommer Simpson .... and the sponge that is passed on by kidfiriburger, dkindenburger, or whatever it says on the seabed.