Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How Many Holes Inside A Vigena



Washington DC, May 3, 2011 .- The World Day of Press Freedom, the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) recognizes the significant progress achieved in some countries of the region combating impunity for crimes committed against the journalists, as well as progress in the legal frameworks relating to freedom of expression. In particular the Special Rapporteur acknowledges that in most states in the region has repealed the crime of contempt, there is a marked tendency to decriminalize the honor when it comes to critical information and opinions about acts or omissions of officials public.

However, as seen in the 2010 annual report, unfortunately, has increased violence and harassment against journalists and in some states. Only in 2010, the Special Rapporteur in the region reported the death of 26 journalists who might be related to the exercise of freedom of expression and multiple acts of aggression, threats and criminalization related to the exercise of this right. It has also been an increase in the application of criminal laws and the application of disproportionate civil action against those who, in the legitimate exercise of their right to freedom of opinion and expression, have criticized public authorities. Finally, continue to present major challenges in terms of diversity and pluralism in democratic debate without the existence of appropriate policies in all States to prevent the existence of public or private monopolies in the ownership and / or control of the media, or measures provide special access for marginalized or discriminated against in public debate.

Given this reality, the Special Rapporteur considers necessary and appropriate on this day to remind States of the region the importance of implementing a series of recommendations as outlined in the Annual Report of the Special Rapporteur of the year 2010, real and necessary to implement the right to freedom of expression in the hemisphere and prevent acts of a serious nature from recurring, resulting in a deterioration of democracy and human rights protection:

1 . With regard to violence against journalists and media:

a. Conduct serious, impartial and effective investigations into the murders, assaults, threats and acts of intimidation against journalists and media. They must also be properly investigated these crimes when committed with the purpose of silencing the exercise the right to freedom of expression of any individual. In this regard, to take the steps necessary to achieve progress in the investigations and the creation of specialized bodies and special investigative protocols.

b. Judging by impartial and independent tribunals to all those responsible for murders, assaults, threats and intimidation for exercising freedom of expression and adequate reparation to victims and their families.

c. Publicly condemn these acts to prevent actions that might encourage such crimes.

D. Take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of those who are bullied and threatened for exercising their right to freedom of expression, whether these acts come from state agents or are committed by individuals.

e. Take the necessary steps for journalists at risk that had to move or go into exile to return home in safety. If these people could not return, states must take action so they can stay in the venue in dignity, security measures and the financial support needed to keep their jobs and their relationships family.

2. As for the criminalization of expression and promotion of proportionality in the sanctions further:

a. Promote the repeal of laws that enshrine the contempt, whichever way they arise, as these rules are contrary to the American Convention and curtail public debate, an essential element of democratic functioning.

b. Promote the modification of criminal defamation laws to eliminate the use of criminal proceedings to protect the honor and reputation when disseminating information on matters of public interest, public officials or candidates for public office.

c. Promoting the amendment of laws on libel of ideas or institutions in order to eliminate the use of criminal proceedings to suppress the free democratic debate on all issues.

d. Establish clear regulations to ensure the legitimate exercise of social protest and prevent the application of disproportionate restrictions that can be used to inhibit or suppress critical speech and dissidents.

e. Protection Reputation should only be guaranteed through civil sanctions in those cases in which the person offended is a public official or public or private person who has voluntarily become involved in matters of public interest. Moreover, in these cases must prove that the dissemination of information, the author intended to inflict harm, was fully aware that false news was disseminated, or acted with gross negligence in the pursuit of truth or falsity of such news.

3. As for the demonstrations of high state officials based on the editorial:

a. Encourage democratic debate through statements, practices and public policies that promote tolerance and respect for journalists and communicators, whatever their thoughts or ideas.

b. Urge state authorities to refrain from making public statements that might encourage violence against people because of their opinions. In particular, avoid statements that might stigmatize journalists, media and human rights defenders.

4. As for censorship:

a. Remove any rules that enable censorship by any government agency, and any preconditions that might entail censorship to freedom of expression, such as previous demands accuracy, timeliness and fairness in reporting.

5. As to the discriminatory allocation of official advertising:

a. Refrain from using public power to punish or reward media and journalists, in relation to their editorial or coverage of certain information, either through discriminatory and arbitrary allocation of official advertising or other indirect means tending to impede the communication and circulation of ideas and opinions, and to regulate these matters in accordance with inter-American standards outlined in the reports of the Special Rapporteur.

6. In terms of progress on access to information:

a. Continue by passing laws that allow effective access to information and additional rules governing the exercise, in accordance with international standards in that area.

b. Actually do, both de jure and de facto, habeas data to all citizens, because essential element of freedom of expression and democracy.

c. Promote the effective and efficient implementation of the rules of access to information, appropriate training to staff and training to citizens in order to eradicate the culture of secrecy and with the aim of giving citizens the tools for effective monitoring of state operation, governance and corruption control are essential in the democratic process.

7. Regarding the allocation of radio frequencies:

a. Adopt necessary measures to prevent public or private monopolies in the ownership and / or control of the media, in terms defined by international standards, including Principle 12 of the Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression of the IACHR.

b. Criteria to adopt legislation to ensure transparent, open and equitable allocation of radio frequencies and the new digital dividend. This legislation should take into account the current state of concentration in ownership of the media, and allocate the radio spectrum management body independent, subject to due process and judicial control.

c. Promote effective policies and practices that allow access to information and equal participation of all sectors of society for their needs, views and interests are taken in the design and making public policy decisions. Furthermore, to adopt such legislative and other measures necessary to ensure pluralism, including antitrust laws.

d. Legislate on community broadcasting, so that a fair and equitable share of the dividend spectrum digital radio and community channels. By assigning these frequencies must be taken into account democratic criteria that provide equal opportunities for all individuals in the access and operation of the media in terms of equity, no disproportionate or unreasonable restrictions, in accordance with principle 12 of the Declaration of Principles and the "Joint Declaration on Diversity in Broadcasting" (2007).

e. Initiate regional efforts to regulate the powers of state surveillance and control and allocation of public goods and resources directly or indirectly to the exercise of freedom of expression. At this point, the task is to adjust the institutional framework for two basic purposes: to prevent the possibility of state authority are used to reward or punish the media as its editorial line and, secondly, to promote pluralism and diversity public debate.

For more information about the Special Rapporteur visit http://www.cidh.oas.org/relatoria/


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